vendredi 18 janvier 2008


In our school there is several activities that you can do where you aren't in class:There is the "AS" ( spots assaciation ) which propose us playing many sports like handball , basketball , badminton , fitness , body building , hip-hop ...There also is a maths club , an english reading class , an art class , a drama class...If you don't enjoy all these activites you simply can do your homework in a work-room for doing your homeworks in a calm place , or go to the CDI( the school's library) for reading books , doing researches on the internet , doing your homeworks , and growing your knowlege up . katia , ya-nick , jordan

2 commentaires:

Ant a dit…

And i insist: there is the English Book Club
Tons of rad books & magazines, you should all come!!!
All the details here.
See you all ;-)

Pétronille a dit…

Hey everyone! I am in the AS I do swimming and bodybuilding and I really like it. We may be going to ski in March with all the students in AS for about a week.
Maybe we will be able to show all the sport activities we have.