My name is Rémi and I'm on exchange at the moment in France for 2 months.
During my exchange I've been living with a family in Montreuil and also attending school at Jean Jaures.
I've found that the exchange has been really good. I've learnt alot about French culture which is unique and very different from what i'm used to in Australia.
Everyone in my class is extremely nice and keen to learn about Australia althuogh they're a bit dissapointed that we dont have pet kangaroos in our backyard.
They're a great bunch and they're really looking forward to going to Washington D.C. and discovering another culture. They've already been doing alot of research on the city!
My experience here in France has been great and I hope they enjoy going on exchange to Washington D.C. just as much as I enjoyed coming here!
4 commentaires:
some advice..dont believe what you see on the internat about DC, you have to come experince my city.
It's nothing like they say..
the side i see of D Ciz Tres Tres Tres..amuSANT!!
Parlez-vous français, Rémi? Où est-ce que tu habites en Australia?
Hey Remi, Mrs Ygonet told me today that you're leaving for Australia this weekend. Hope you'll keep lots of good memories from your stay in France & keep in touch. Forget about these last days' bad weather and just keep in mind the friends you made here. Apparently they organized a funky "Bon Voyage party" at the lycee today. That's cool!
Have a safe journey back home.
Ellen: Rémi speak in french (his father is french that's why his name is Rémi ^^) but he lives in Austalia. So he speak french (not like us of course) but his level is very very good...
The party was very cool and thanxs for the speech that you pronounce =)
It was a pleasure to know you, you're a very nice guy =)
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