jeudi 14 février 2008

Place des Vosges

La place des Voges is near the Bastille (which was an important place during the French Revolution). It's a big garden where the famous writer and politician Victor Hugo (who wrote Les Miséarbles, Notre Dame de Paris... ) used to live. You can see a French flag by his house so you immedialtly see which one is his appartment. The whole neighborhood is pretty rich with a beautiful architecture. It's a nice place to go during the summer or when there is a nice weather.La place des Voges was to built in 1605 at 1612 and called "La place Royale" ,it was called "La places des Vosges " in 1848 at the beginning of the second republic. This place represents Paris for its architecture and its history. It was created before "La tour Eiffel ". I think it represents Paris because of its history.

Like you can see on the picture we had a nice time there... at this moment we had a 30 minutes break .

We all had fun !

Pétronille and Banawata

1 commentaire:

Ant a dit…

Thank you for the reports and all the beautiful pictures of Paris you took last Monday.