mardi 5 février 2008

Hi,this is to introduce myself.

Hi there,young americans!
My name is Val(entine) and I'm 17.
I'm (obviously) a student at Jean Jaurès,and I shouldn't have said that 'cause now there is no way I can end this sentence correctly.Anyway,as I mentionned in an other article,What I most like in life is music and making fun of anything (anything including me and this very blog),which is sometimes annoying,'cause when you don't get my very weird sense of humour,you could think that I'm absolutely and completely raving mad.Don't worry,I don't bite,except in...some situations.
I live alone with my mom and my suicidary cat,as well as my two plants (Sid and Nancy),who have a name,unlike my cat.Maybe that explains why she's suicidary...
As you can see I don't have much trouble speaking english,that's because I've spent 10 years in India,and I'm not gonna explain why India,it's too long and too boring.
The last thing I think useful to mention is that I'm a fervent punk fan,as well as a defender of gay and lesbian causes (even though I'm not) ,and that I not only like rock and metal but US rap and reggae,dancehall,techno...any music,cummon!
I'm looking forward to your COMMENTS PUHLEEEAAAAAAAZZZZ!!!!!!
and to meeting you,

3 commentaires:

Suzannah a dit…

Val, ton anglais est fantastique! Je trouvais ton poste tres amusante. Mais il faut nommer son chat! Est-ce que tu aimais l'Inde? Quand est-ce que tu y habitais? Ou est-ce que tu as habite de plus? Ca m'interesse beaucoup. (Je suis desolee pour mon mauvais francais, et que je ne peux pas tapper les accents a ce moment.)

fatou a dit…

il est tro bien ton article

Pétronille a dit…

You are such a cute tittle twisted girl. But we love you the way you are darling.