mercredi 6 février 2008



It's Abir & Tania!

We want tO talk abOut High schOol musicals because we like it a lOt ;)

First we like every type of music like "what time is it?" , "Bet on it", "start Of sOmething new" and so on.

We also like the actors named Zac EfrOn(the picture), Vanessa Hudgens, COrbin blue,...

We prefer Zac EfrOn because he sings and he dances very well. He has wOnderful blue eyes.

We alsO like his brOther,but we don't knOw if yOu knOw him, Dilan EfrOn.

But he dOesn't act in the film.

We hOpe that yOu'll react tO this topic, because we are sure that yOu knOw this film and this very beautiful actOr.

[ ab' & taninOu]

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