dimanche 8 novembre 2009


Hi everybody!
I am Juliette, as all most of the pupils of my class I am 16 years old. I live in Montreuil, near Paris. I live in a house with my parents, my brother and my sister. And yes, large family... This year I don't go in Washington but maybe next year, I hope.
I like very much the music, more particularly jazz, blues and rock. They are my preferences but generally I listen to of everything (except R' Not B). As artists I love Bob Dylan, Jefferson Airplaine, the who, The style council, Alela Diane, Wax Tailor etc.
I also like the Cinema and the Theater. I like going out, partying with my friends. Too much moreover;). I am rather scatterbrained and stunned but nothing very nasty, me nothing are never included in mathematical but I always liked the francais and interested in History.
I also like the reading, authors classic as Maupassant, Victor Hugo, Zola, Albert Camus. Or then contemporary authors, Lolita Pille, Pascale Kramer, Phillipe Dijean.

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