mercredi 18 novembre 2009

Hi I' m Sabina Vijayakumar, I' m 17, I live in Montreuil and I' m Srilankan.

I have one brother who is 15 and one sister who is 13.

I love listening music, I listen more Bollywood music ( In fact I had practised " Bollywood Dance " during 2 years), but I listen also other kind of music like Reggaeton, R'n'B....
About Movies : For the moment I really want to see 2012 "Apocalypse Now".
I love watch series like Desperate Housewives, 90210 Beverly Hills, One Tree Hill, Medium...

And last but not least, I love Eating(it's my passion)
I'm Scared of dogsss
If I'm graduate, I want to be a Sicence teacher.
I'm really excited to see all of you, So see you in February

Bye , Take Caree !!!!

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