dimanche 22 novembre 2009
My name is Marie
I am 17 years old, I have a little brother (he gets on my nerves)
and a little cat. I am half greek and half french.
I have lived in Montreuil all my life.
I listen to all kinds of music and I like many artists but I have a preference:
rock or pop rock music such as artic monkeys, the kills,
lenny kravitz ;), etc...
I like Paris ,it's a great city.And with my friends I like to go out to movies .
Well I think that's all
jeudi 19 novembre 2009
mercredi 18 novembre 2009

Hi I' m Sabina Vijayakumar, I' m 17, I live in Montreuil and I' m Srilankan.
I have one brother who is 15 and one sister who is 13.
I love listening music, I listen more Bollywood music ( In fact I had practised " Bollywood Dance " during 2 years), but I listen also other kind of music like Reggaeton, R'n'B....
About Movies : For the moment I really want to see 2012 "Apocalypse Now".
I love watch series like Desperate Housewives, 90210 Beverly Hills, One Tree Hill, Medium...
And last but not least, I love Eating(it's my passion)
I'm Scared of dogsss
If I'm graduate, I want to be a Sicence teacher.
I'm really excited to see all of you, So see you in February
mercredi 11 novembre 2009
My name is Mehdi. I'm 18, I live in Montreuil.I'm last year of secondary school. I Have one brother and two sisters.
I like sports in general, I practice Soccer and I like too US sport like football, basket-ball and base-ball.
I listen all kinds of music. My favorites artists are kanye west, jimy hendrix, keziah jones...
I enjoy reading to manga and english litterature (Ray Bradbury Georges Orwell Tony Morrison)
My favorites films are pulp fiction, lord of wars, batman the dark night...
After my studies I want be an attorney and i would like to live in foreign.
That's all, see you.
lundi 9 novembre 2009
Roméo Garreau

See you !
Inès Akika
My name is Samy and i am 17 years old. I live in Montreuil with my parents and my 2 little brothers. I am in last years of High School and i like to go out with my friends. I like all kind of music and many artists. My favorite series are Grey's Anotomy and Chuck.
That's all. Bye
I have long black hair, my eyes are green and I'm tall.
I have one sister and one brother. My sister is fifteen years old and she's in the same college that me. My brother is twelve years old.
I from of Algeria and Tunisia but I was born in France.
I can't come in Washington because there's no place in the plane, I'm a bit sad but I have in my plans to come in New York. So that's all .. Bye !
Aurélie Brutin

I am tall, brunette, with big blue-green eyes.
I like draw, look movies like horror, science fiction , fantastic but i don't like comedies so much.
I like all kind of music exept rap.
In litterature I like science fiction, fantastic and historic books.
The thing I hate most than all is fish. I hate eat that.
Exept this point, I like everithing to make, I'm not difficult.
dimanche 8 novembre 2009
I am Juliette, as all most of the pupils of my class I am 16 years old. I live in Montreuil, near Paris. I live in a house with my parents, my brother and my sister. And yes, large family... This year I don't go in Washington but maybe next year, I hope.
I like very much the music, more particularly jazz, blues and rock. They are my preferences but generally I listen to of everything (except R' Not B). As artists I love Bob Dylan, Jefferson Airplaine, the who, The style council, Alela Diane, Wax Tailor etc.
I also like the Cinema and the Theater. I like going out, partying with my friends. Too much moreover;). I am rather scatterbrained and stunned but nothing very nasty, me nothing are never included in mathematical but I always liked the francais and interested in History.
I also like the reading, authors classic as Maupassant, Victor Hugo, Zola, Albert Camus. Or then contemporary authors, Lolita Pille, Pascale Kramer, Phillipe Dijean.
samedi 7 novembre 2009
Marion Vettese

vendredi 6 novembre 2009
Yasmine Shehata.. :)

My name is Yasmine, I have 16 years, and I'm in 1L.
I live in Noisy le Sec since 10 years ago, but I am born in Paris. I have one brother, he is 22 years and one sisters, she is 17 years.
I have long brown hair bored, and my eyes are brown. I have three dogs, which are called Tina, Dolly, and Kyzer.
I am native of Egypt and Reunion. My mother comes from the Reunion and my father is Egyptian. I like drawing and reading, and I very like "One Tree Hill" and "Desperate Housewives", also, I like go to cinema with my friends. But I hate the sport.
I don't go to Washington this year, but I would come next year.
My name is Safia, i'm 16 and i live in Montreuil.
i'm a jean jaurès student, i love history and i don't like matématic.
This year a don't go to washington but i can't wait to see you. I've got
five brothers and two sisters, i a last kid. I love reading books about fantasy
storie and my favorite authors are Stephanie Meyer, Laurell Hamilton and Scott Westerfiels.
This year i can't come in the U.S.A because I look for my brother but the next year I can :D sorry i must go to do my homework so I say good bye to you
See you soon and mery chrismas...
I like read fantasy novels, watch action, horror and fantasy films.
Laverriere Marie
I like all the music but I prefer pop and rock music. My favourite films are True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Little Miss Sunshine and Trainspotting. I like to make shopping in Paris, I like shoes ! I like the cinema. I don't like sport, really. I like speak english but I'm not very good. I go to Washington this year and I'm very happy !
My name is Viken Kiledjian. I'am 16 years old, i was born the 22th of May in 1993. I live in Montreuil. I have one brother of 21 years old, i live with my mother and my brother, and some weekend i go by my father,because my parents are divorced.
I like in general all music but i prefer electronic music and Japanese music. I love horrors movies as 28 days later, 28 weeks later, Alien with Sigourney Weaver. I enjoy video games too but i'm not a geek, because i out with friends often. I don't like football and tennis however i like volleyball and badminton. I would like to know more of you, because i'm very interresting to your culture.
It's a oportunity for me to go in your countrie, indeed, in first i would like to go to Japan and in a second Washington.
I looking forward to hear from you.
Lenny Hudson
KONATE Koudédia
My name is Konate Koudédia.I' m 16 years old.I' m in 1L2 in Jean Jaurès.
I have two sisters and one brother.I live in montreuil with my family. I am African and that's why I love the Africa Dance.
I like listening RnB music ( I love the singer Beyoncé ),and going out to do shopping .
My favorite movie is TITANIC and, in plus of that, horror movies. I prefer the American movies than the French movies. My dream is to go to Miami or New York.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
that's all godbye
Gwen !!
Hello Washington !
My name's Barbara. I'm 17 years old and I live in Montreuil. I am a junior of Jean Jaures highschool and I'm really excited to participate in this exchange between your highschool and mine.
I like listening to music, especially pop and rock music. Britney Spears is my biggest dream and my idol no matter what happens. I like to read and watch movies, a lot too. My favorite books were writenby Stephanie Meyer, J.K Rowling and Daneel Steel, and movies I prefer are horror movies, like Saw, The Grudge, etc ... But, on the contrary, I don't really like romantic movies if it's not Roméo and Juliet ! I don't like winter and bad weather either. I prefer the sun and when it's cold like in the country I come from, Portugal !
Well, I think you know enough things about me, now, so I'm going to leave you.
I'm looking forward for hearing from you. Bye. Barbara
I like the Reggae, Rock, Techno and Rap music like Jimi Hendrix, Bob marley, Damian Marley, Eminem, La Coka Nostra, Cypress hill, Gorillaz, Fred Fresh, Chinese man, Zebrahead, Flobots, Don Carlos, Shaka ponk, Showtek, Radium and others...
I like the cinema, my favorite films are action movies, horror, fantasy and S-F movies like Star Wars
I like read mangas and comics, I like draw and make graffiti.
My name is Emilie Bergounioux. I'm 16 years old. I'm studing in Jean Jaurès, for precise I'm in 1L2. I live in Montreuil with my parents and my little sister.
In life, I like listenning to music ( Rnb ), the holidays, going out with my friends to do shopping or others activities like the cinema (fantastics, action, comedy and horror movies ). I prefer the American movies. I like read too but I prefer choose my readings. My dream is to go to America, in New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC or Miami.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Bye !
Emilie .
Enzo Zumaglini
My name is enzo,i am 17 years old and i live in montreuil since i born.
i like sports(soccer,boxe...) and music (french rap and some rap U.S) and go out with my friends(on friday and saturday night),my favorites movies are comedie,action and horrors movies.
i get one brother who have 20 years old.
Pom Pom Pom...

. Barbara Bourreau .
Well, hi everibody, i'm 17 and my name is Barbara but you can call me Baboue.
I have got one little sister (her name is juliette) and I live in Montreuil.
Normally i have blond hair but actually i'm a red-haired person. I have got two big green eyes which make me look like a fish. I also have baby's cheeks. I am 1 metre 71. I have small hands. And I talk a lot.
I like all kinds of music exept techno, trans, hardcore and metal. And i love music which make you dance.
For movies, I like west side story, fight club, Moulin rouge, le fabuleux detin d'Amélie Poulain, and my favourite cartoon when I was younger was the lion King.
I hate cooked endives and the dry grapes.
Well. I think it's enought.
See you
jeudi 5 novembre 2009
vendredi 27 mars 2009
A few pictures...
vendredi 27 février 2009
Le deuxième semestre de l’année terminale
Aux États-Unis, l’année scolaire comprit deux semestres, et on passe le première semestre de l’année terminale en faisant les demandes aux universités. Pour la majorité d’étudiants, les notes du premier semestre sont la dernière chose qu’une université voit avant qu’elle choisisse quels étudiants de laisser entrer. Donc, par la fin de janvier, les élèves sont bien moins stressés parce qu’ils ont fini une énorme tâche—les demandes—et aussi parce que leurs notes sont peut-être un peu moins important. Par conséquent, quelques élèves veulent se reposer un peu trop et arrêter de travailler si dur dans leurs classes. Mais il faut qu’ils continuent à donner beaucoup d’effort à leurs devoirs et le travail scolaire parce que les universités peuvent changer leurs avis et dire qu’une élève ne peut pas y assister si ses notes sont devenues pires. Enfin, il y a une plus chose qui empêche la repose de quelques élèves: la plupart des universités ne disent pas aux élèves leurs décisions jusqu'à avril. Alors élèves doivent attendre et attendre et attendre et attendre pour découvrir où ils iront cette automne! Moi, j’ai de la chance et une université m’a déjà accepté donc je peux me mettre à l’aise.
À bientôt!
lundi 9 février 2009
Noel et Obama!
Salut Mes Amis!
Je suis (finalement) fini avec tous mes applications d’université. Maintenant ma vie est un peu plus calme. J’ai passé une bonne vacance pendant le début de Janvier. Je suis allée au Canada pour visiter mes grands parents et mes cousins. Ma grand-mère est une très bonne cuisinière et j’aime bien être chez elle. J’étais vraiment heureux d’avoir la neige quand j’étais en Canada. Il ne neige pas beaucoup en Washington DC et ça c’est triste. Pour Noel, j’ai reçu un nouveau objectif pour mon camera. C’est un objectif à 180 degrés ou un objectif "fish-eye" et j'aime bien l'effet qu'il a sur les photos.
Après les vacances j’ai retourné d’une ville pleine d’excitation. L’investiture d’Obama était en quelques semaines et tous les gens de DC étaient en train de préparer. Il y était beaucoup des fêtes et attirail pour Obama et Biden aussi.
Le jour d’investiture j’ai travaillé pour une agence de presse que couvre la cérémonie. J’ai du réveiller à quatre heure du matin et même si c’étais trop tôt pour moi, il y était déjà plus d’un mille gens en la queue pour sécurité. Le jour c’étais très intéressant et amusant pour moi. J’ai un bon vue du défilé et la cérémonie mais il faisait très très très froid.
La neige en Canada! ............... Mon frere aime jouer avec mon nouveau objectif...Bisous!