Salut! Je suis heureux que Barack Obama a gagné l’élection présidentielle, et j’espère que vous êtes aussi. Les étudiants de Wilson ont les vacances d’hiver dans un semaine, et tout le monde ont hâte pour ces deux semaines sans aller à l’école. (Mais beaucoup de seniors seront faire les applications d’université pendant les vacances.)
dimanche 14 décembre 2008
Hiver à Washington
Je suis heureuse qui vous êtes si intéressé par l’élection américain. Ici, aux Etats Unis, nous pouvons voir que le choix de M. Obama pour président est important pour tout le monde, et c’est bon que vous, nos collègues, pensent le même.
La poste de val était très drôle. Je sais que beaucoup des américains ont les mêmes sentiments de Sen. McCain, et j’espère que les français ont plus de la chance avec leur politiques après ce temps.
Ici à Wilson, nous souffrons de trop de stress. Quelques étudiants ont déjà eu de la … au sujet de l’université, mais tout le reste continuent à essayer d’être accepte dans les universités. On doit faire tout les devoirs et écouter dans les classes pour montre aux universités qu’on travaille dur, mais aussi on doit compléter les applications sous-ligne pour envoyer aux les écoles. Je ne sais pas comment ca va en France, mais ici c’est vraiment compliqué.
J’ai hâte de vous voir au printemps, et j’espère que vous passez des vacances excellentes.
À Bientôt!
La poste de val était très drôle. Je sais que beaucoup des américains ont les mêmes sentiments de Sen. McCain, et j’espère que les français ont plus de la chance avec leur politiques après ce temps.
Ici à Wilson, nous souffrons de trop de stress. Quelques étudiants ont déjà eu de la … au sujet de l’université, mais tout le reste continuent à essayer d’être accepte dans les universités. On doit faire tout les devoirs et écouter dans les classes pour montre aux universités qu’on travaille dur, mais aussi on doit compléter les applications sous-ligne pour envoyer aux les écoles. Je ne sais pas comment ca va en France, mais ici c’est vraiment compliqué.
J’ai hâte de vous voir au printemps, et j’espère que vous passez des vacances excellentes.
À Bientôt!
mardi 9 décembre 2008
Obama and Thanksgiving
Bonjour mes amis francais! Il y a beaucoup de jours de j'ecrire quelque chose dans le blog. Barack Obama etait choisit par les americains d'etre le nouveau president et on est tres heureux. C'etait un election historique et je suis sur que vous etes assez heureux que nous. Je ne sais pas si Obama va vraiment prendre change a Washington, mais on regardera.
Maintenant, je veux expliquer "Thanksgiving".
J'espere que tout fait bien en France!
(FYI: for some reason, my computer would not let me insert symbols or accents, so that's why there are none.)
lundi 8 décembre 2008

Bonjour mes amis français!!!
Le thanksgiving est une célébration qui était très spéciale à moi. Quoique mon famille ne soit pas américain nous célébrons toujours les vacances parce que c'est une période que chacun vient à la maison pour passer le temps avec tout le monde.
Cette année mes frères et soeurs sont venus à la maison pour visiter et nous avons mangé un dîner spécial. Ma mère est jamaïquaine ainsi elle a fait cuire un plat spécial que s’appelle " jerk chicken", et mon père est argentin ainsi il a préparé un plat d'agneau et de pommes de terre espagnoles.
J'avais tellement le temps de dépense d'amusement avec ma famille. J'aime le thanksgiving parce qu'il réunit tout le monde pour qu'une nuit spéciale plein de mange et rit. Il est certainement l'une de mes vacances préférées.
Le thanksgiving est une célébration qui était très spéciale à moi. Quoique mon famille ne soit pas américain nous célébrons toujours les vacances parce que c'est une période que chacun vient à la maison pour passer le temps avec tout le monde.
Cette année mes frères et soeurs sont venus à la maison pour visiter et nous avons mangé un dîner spécial. Ma mère est jamaïquaine ainsi elle a fait cuire un plat spécial que s’appelle " jerk chicken", et mon père est argentin ainsi il a préparé un plat d'agneau et de pommes de terre espagnoles.
J'avais tellement le temps de dépense d'amusement avec ma famille. J'aime le thanksgiving parce qu'il réunit tout le monde pour qu'une nuit spéciale plein de mange et rit. Il est certainement l'une de mes vacances préférées.
mercredi 3 décembre 2008
J'espere que vous allez bien. Sa me fait plaisir de vous voir a la conference il y a trois semaines. Le jour ferie americain, "Thanksgiving" etait le weekend passe. Je suis allee au New York pour visiter la soeur et le frere de ma mere et aussi mes grandparents. J'ai passes un bon weekend avec beaucoup de nourriture. Le "Thanksgiving" est un jour ferie pour etre avec tout votre famille. Ma mere et mes tantes ont preparer le repas et mon frere, moi, et mes cousines jouent de sports. Le "Thanksgiving" est un des mes jours prefere pendant l'annee. J'ai pris des photos de ma famille et aussi quel'ques nourriture traditionnel (une dinde, des pommes de terres, les haricots verts, la sauce au jus de roti) Nous avons aussi beacoup beacoup des desserts- especiallement les tartes!
Je hate de vous voir en le printemps!
mardi 2 décembre 2008
To know everything about the system in France
In France, the senate is elected indirectly. The president of the senate is elected every 3 years. The powers of the Senate are the same as those of the national assembly. The finance acts are presented first to the National assembly, then in case of disagreement to the senate,but it is the National Assembly which decides.
In France, the deputies of the National Assembly are elected directly for 5 years. They are elected by all the persons who are 18 yearsand over and which are registered on the electoral rolls. We have 577 deputies in France.
In France, the deputies of the National Assembly are elected directly for 5 years. They are elected by all the persons who are 18 yearsand over and which are registered on the electoral rolls. We have 577 deputies in France.
Tthe presidential election in france
The presidential election in France elects the president of the Republic for a five year mandate.
This mandate is called a "quinquennat"
Before 2002, the president was elected for a "septennat", that is to say a seven-year mandate. The first French president was Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte and today he is Nicolas Sarkozy.
The Presidential elections are direct elections. A first ballot is organized during which the electors have to choose between several candidates.
If a candidate gets the absolute majority. He is elected after the first ballot.
On the contrary if it is not the case, a second ballot is organized during which electors have to choose between the candidates who have got the greatest number of votes.
The results of the ballots are announced by the constitutional Council who counts the votes.
The Presidential elections are opened to electors who meet the following conditions:
- being 18 years old the day of the election.
- having the French nationality.
- being registered an electoral roll.
This mandate is called a "quinquennat"
Before 2002, the president was elected for a "septennat", that is to say a seven-year mandate. The first French president was Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte and today he is Nicolas Sarkozy.
The Presidential elections are direct elections. A first ballot is organized during which the electors have to choose between several candidates.
If a candidate gets the absolute majority. He is elected after the first ballot.
On the contrary if it is not the case, a second ballot is organized during which electors have to choose between the candidates who have got the greatest number of votes.
The results of the ballots are announced by the constitutional Council who counts the votes.
The Presidential elections are opened to electors who meet the following conditions:
- being 18 years old the day of the election.
- having the French nationality.
- being registered an electoral roll.
hi everybody!
Some students from 1 ES2 wrote some commentaries on some books they read in The English Book Club. If you want to share your thoughts with them, please do.
Some students from 1 ES2 wrote some commentaries on some books they read in The English Book Club. If you want to share your thoughts with them, please do.
mercredi 26 novembre 2008
mardi 25 novembre 2008
Salut mes amis!!
J'espère que vous êtes bien. Nous avons beaucoup de travail ici, parce que c'est la dernière année à l'école secondaire et tout le monde est en train d'appliquer aux universités. C'est difficile. Je ne sais pas si tous les autres étudiants dans ma classe sont fini, mais j'ai beaucoup de travail encore. :( Mon équipe de foot à Wilson a gagné les championnats de ville le samedi dernier! C'était très passionnant!! L'équipe de foot des garçons a gagné aussi. Wilson est le meilleur. :) Maintenant, je suis au Nantucket (au Masschusetts) pour Thanksgiving avec ma famille. Ma tante et mon oncle et tous mes cousins vont venir ce soir pour jeudi. Ça va être très amusant. J'espère que tout le monde est bien et l'école n'est pas trop difficile pour vous. Je ne peux pas attendre pour vous voir au printemps!! À bientôt!
Michelle Lefrançois
J'espère que vous êtes bien. Nous avons beaucoup de travail ici, parce que c'est la dernière année à l'école secondaire et tout le monde est en train d'appliquer aux universités. C'est difficile. Je ne sais pas si tous les autres étudiants dans ma classe sont fini, mais j'ai beaucoup de travail encore. :( Mon équipe de foot à Wilson a gagné les championnats de ville le samedi dernier! C'était très passionnant!! L'équipe de foot des garçons a gagné aussi. Wilson est le meilleur. :) Maintenant, je suis au Nantucket (au Masschusetts) pour Thanksgiving avec ma famille. Ma tante et mon oncle et tous mes cousins vont venir ce soir pour jeudi. Ça va être très amusant. J'espère que tout le monde est bien et l'école n'est pas trop difficile pour vous. Je ne peux pas attendre pour vous voir au printemps!! À bientôt!
Michelle Lefrançois
jeudi 20 novembre 2008
Bonjour ! Il excitait si voir certains de vous tout sur la vidéo lundi. Nell, Evan, et j'ai apprécié vraiment la conversation de l'échange et c'est des avantages. Je vous espère tout font bien et je ne peux pas attendre de vous voir au printemps !
vendredi 7 novembre 2008
Obama's Victory
The November 4, at 5.00 am in France, we heard about the Obama's Victory as President of the US, a good new waited for so long. We've seen people crying, jumping, sreaming, becoming crazy. At this moment, we felt a great joy and shared their hope because of all the changements that he wants to bring. We would love to be with them in live and not behind TV. It was a moment full of emotions who made us dream. People seemed so touched and excited, it was like if he will change the world in a wonderfull place. But we think that people could be less excited, because even if his program seems good and will probably change the life of a lot of american, he didn't do it yet. We like the fact that his program is based on social reforms like change the social system in order to be more performing and protective, to make easier to the poors to go to college, to put the minimum wage up, and fight against the poverty. He embody hope for the middle class & the lower class, and the american dream because of his origins.
We loved his investiture speech, he is very charismatic and all the thanks that he gave were beautiful and heartfelt. Everybody was attracted by what he said and by his famous "YES WE CAN!" He seems to realize that peaople are expecting a lot of him and we hope that he will do everything that he promised. Because people are very exciting by his victory but now he has to make his projects a reality. The fact that he is a african american shows that the mentalities change and is a good hope for the egality of races. He is a new symbol as was Posa Park or Martin Luther King and we hope that he will impress America just like they did.
Emine & Cora.
(We miss you guys SO much)
First we think that it is a very good event because Obama is a "new" character on the stage of the politic without much experience. The people chose him , put their trust in him.
Secondly his program is different compared to the adminitration of the former president Bush.
Through Obama's program we find the ideas of Martin Luther King like helping minorities.... Besides his election reflects a not racist America which concentrates more on its politics than its color. So it could influence others countries to concentrate on the politics of the candidate and not for the aparence.
Moreover this victory confirms the slogan among others of America the "American Dream".
The day of its election we were very happy for him but also for America because the wonderfull projects he has will be concretized but it could also change the fact of removing the American army in Irak. But also with regard to the economy.
Knowing that this election crosses by far the frontieres of America because many countries of the world were concerned and had placed an enorme hope on this candidate there is a real reassurance.
To conclude we have were very delighted with the choice of the american and we believe in the famous slogan of Obama "yes we can" "yes we did"
Alimatou et Loubna
Secondly his program is different compared to the adminitration of the former president Bush.
Through Obama's program we find the ideas of Martin Luther King like helping minorities.... Besides his election reflects a not racist America which concentrates more on its politics than its color. So it could influence others countries to concentrate on the politics of the candidate and not for the aparence.
Moreover this victory confirms the slogan among others of America the "American Dream".
The day of its election we were very happy for him but also for America because the wonderfull projects he has will be concretized but it could also change the fact of removing the American army in Irak. But also with regard to the economy.
Knowing that this election crosses by far the frontieres of America because many countries of the world were concerned and had placed an enorme hope on this candidate there is a real reassurance.
To conclude we have were very delighted with the choice of the american and we believe in the famous slogan of Obama "yes we can" "yes we did"
Alimatou et Loubna
Since Barack Obama ran for president we wer very hopeful . In spite of his lack of experience in the politics, he embodies the work, the ambition and courage. Throughout his election he was supported by several celebrities among which: Paris Hilton, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria Parker, Georges Clooney... When he won several presidents called up him to congratulate him.
He gives envy to the black people to succed. We think that he realized one of the biggest dream of Martin Luther King. He is the forty-fourth president of the USA and the first black president. Which shows that nothing is impossible.
We think that he will be a good president and that he will make something against this economic crisis. In his speech of nomination, he expressed some projects that he will execute in the next years. He is going to stop the war in Iraq because it is a war without interest. He looks for only the peace. He wants to help the poor men, and to prevent the eviction of the persons without financial resources. He is going to set up a health insurance which will be free for the children. Projects which shall put of time but which shall realize. As he says: "YES WE CAN".
During his mandate, he will see to it that the United States is a suitable state where all the world on its place Barack Obama is not that the president of the blacks: he is the president of a nation.
Thanks to him a page turned.
Obama Luther King
Helloooo Americaaaa!!!!!
First of all,I'de like to congratulate you for your wonderful new president,if you wanna exchange with ours,no problem,even though ours is less good looking and has the IQ of a dying fly.
I think that this election are going to be a very important moment for future history,because out of the three candidates to presidency,one was a woman and the other was black. I wonder if you'll have a latino,jewish and handicapped candidate in four years,but I guess from now on everything is possible.
It is amazing that Obama won this election,not only because he is black,but because he has modern ideas that differ a lot from the traditional conservative patriotic program that McCain proposed.
Personnally,I adore Obama because of his ideas about abortion,gay rights,war and about every thing he says,actually...I support him since the beginning,and it was rather frustrating not to be able to help him in any way,being french and underage.
To tell the truth,I was frightened for him when he ended up facing McCain,because the image we had from America was that there was a majority of conservative and patriotic people ; McCain had good arguments ,I admit,even though I'de rather eat broken glass than have dinner with him.So everything about this election could have been in disfavour for Obama,but ironically enough,Bush kinda helped him; in fact,if W hadn't left such a huge mess at the White House,in Iraq,and God knows where else,McCain could have won; but McCain sounded a lot like what the american people had already endured,and Obama and his new ideas were welcomed like an ice cream on a hot summer day. He also obviously got the support of coulored people,who are a huge part of the USA 's population,and coloured and even white people around the world supported him too.
I think Obama is a mix between Martin Luther King and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and God forbid him to finish the same way.
Now the bad things that could happen to him as a president are unfortunately real,since as a black president he could get killed by racists, since there has already been an attempt,and I hope he'll manage keeping his promises ,because they sound so great you cant't help but believe in them.
Long live the president,and long live Obama's America!!
First of all,I'de like to congratulate you for your wonderful new president,if you wanna exchange with ours,no problem,even though ours is less good looking and has the IQ of a dying fly.
I think that this election are going to be a very important moment for future history,because out of the three candidates to presidency,one was a woman and the other was black. I wonder if you'll have a latino,jewish and handicapped candidate in four years,but I guess from now on everything is possible.
It is amazing that Obama won this election,not only because he is black,but because he has modern ideas that differ a lot from the traditional conservative patriotic program that McCain proposed.
Personnally,I adore Obama because of his ideas about abortion,gay rights,war and about every thing he says,actually...I support him since the beginning,and it was rather frustrating not to be able to help him in any way,being french and underage.
To tell the truth,I was frightened for him when he ended up facing McCain,because the image we had from America was that there was a majority of conservative and patriotic people ; McCain had good arguments ,I admit,even though I'de rather eat broken glass than have dinner with him.So everything about this election could have been in disfavour for Obama,but ironically enough,Bush kinda helped him; in fact,if W hadn't left such a huge mess at the White House,in Iraq,and God knows where else,McCain could have won; but McCain sounded a lot like what the american people had already endured,and Obama and his new ideas were welcomed like an ice cream on a hot summer day. He also obviously got the support of coulored people,who are a huge part of the USA 's population,and coloured and even white people around the world supported him too.
I think Obama is a mix between Martin Luther King and John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and God forbid him to finish the same way.
Now the bad things that could happen to him as a president are unfortunately real,since as a black president he could get killed by racists, since there has already been an attempt,and I hope he'll manage keeping his promises ,because they sound so great you cant't help but believe in them.
Long live the president,and long live Obama's America!!
We are Carine and Mehdi and We approve of this Message !
Obama's victory
We are very happy about Obama's victory. We think he can change the vision of America and make forget Bush's presidency. We approve of his new ideas in his program like for the health care or his position about the war in Irak and abortion for example.
During the primaries, nobody would have believe a black man could become the new president of the USA. It is a great moment in the history of America because Barack Obama is the first black president of this country.
In France a major part of the population is happy for Obama's victory, encourage him and wished him good luck.
His speech
We were moved by his speech. We saw that he was tired of the presidency race but he found the right words to speak. And like he said during his speech, " everything is possible" . He chose the right people to thank, his campaign team and, especially, the americans who had vote to make this possible. We saw that the crowd was moved and the african Americans were the most proud by this victory because for the first time they see that their situations can really be better in a near future.
He has spoken about an old woman named Ann Nixon Cooper who is 106 years old and went vote for him. It minds a lot for him because he told that this woman was born after the end of slavery and she went through the edges, like the world wars, the segregation and now the election of a black president. So we think that he chose good examples because, moreover this story, he has spoken about Lincoln and Martin Luther King...
In the crowd, we saw famous african americans people like Opprah Winfrey or Jessy Jackson, who were moved about Obama's victory and said that Martin Luther King were proud of this moment.
To finish, we hope that Barack Obama will respect his engagements that he told during his campaign.
Taddani Mehdi
Farhat Carine
We are very happy about Obama's victory. We think he can change the vision of America and make forget Bush's presidency. We approve of his new ideas in his program like for the health care or his position about the war in Irak and abortion for example.
During the primaries, nobody would have believe a black man could become the new president of the USA. It is a great moment in the history of America because Barack Obama is the first black president of this country.
In France a major part of the population is happy for Obama's victory, encourage him and wished him good luck.
His speech
We were moved by his speech. We saw that he was tired of the presidency race but he found the right words to speak. And like he said during his speech, " everything is possible" . He chose the right people to thank, his campaign team and, especially, the americans who had vote to make this possible. We saw that the crowd was moved and the african Americans were the most proud by this victory because for the first time they see that their situations can really be better in a near future.
He has spoken about an old woman named Ann Nixon Cooper who is 106 years old and went vote for him. It minds a lot for him because he told that this woman was born after the end of slavery and she went through the edges, like the world wars, the segregation and now the election of a black president. So we think that he chose good examples because, moreover this story, he has spoken about Lincoln and Martin Luther King...
In the crowd, we saw famous african americans people like Opprah Winfrey or Jessy Jackson, who were moved about Obama's victory and said that Martin Luther King were proud of this moment.
To finish, we hope that Barack Obama will respect his engagements that he told during his campaign.
Taddani Mehdi
Farhat Carine
Barack Obama's victory
Two days ago,Barack Obama the second was elected by the majority of American,became the fortyfourth president of United States of America and the first president African American,a very important piece of news to us.
However for us,and for respect him,we think and we want that this result and victory are for this program and ideas,and not because of his origines (the best victory).
He must be good at his job.and for us,for be honest,it's the case:he has a good program,he looks calm not nervous,he is very sure of his ideas,he is young,with a clear mind.
We can see trust and determination in his eyes.
But we are afraid for him because someone can kill him because he don't want a black president to the White House,it's pessimist,but it's very probably!
Howeve, for us B.Obama is a bright man,he knows the many risks.
After 8 years of the Bush administration ,who created many problems in the USA(financial crisis)and in the world(Iraq),the USA reputation was,and is actually very damage.
The election of Barack Obama. in the White House for 4 years is quick for USA,to win respect,and with Obama like president,it's possible.But there is many problems in this country and in the world,it's very heavy,almost impossible,but if he wins the challenge,the reputation of his community (African American) can explose.
Ahmed et Amel.
However for us,and for respect him,we think and we want that this result and victory are for this program and ideas,and not because of his origines (the best victory).
He must be good at his job.and for us,for be honest,it's the case:he has a good program,he looks calm not nervous,he is very sure of his ideas,he is young,with a clear mind.
We can see trust and determination in his eyes.
But we are afraid for him because someone can kill him because he don't want a black president to the White House,it's pessimist,but it's very probably!
Howeve, for us B.Obama is a bright man,he knows the many risks.
After 8 years of the Bush administration ,who created many problems in the USA(financial crisis)and in the world(Iraq),the USA reputation was,and is actually very damage.
The election of Barack Obama. in the White House for 4 years is quick for USA,to win respect,and with Obama like president,it's possible.But there is many problems in this country and in the world,it's very heavy,almost impossible,but if he wins the challenge,the reputation of his community (African American) can explose.
Ahmed et Amel.
Our opinion on Obama's victory
We were very happy to know that Obama was elected president for a few reasons
First of all, it has been a long time since the USA had a Democrat, and his program and ideas are modern and tolerant.
He's respectful about the right to abort, he wants to stop the Iraq war and he also respects gay rights.
At the beginning of the elections, we were afraid that the fact he is coloured could be a handicap, but his program and charisma were so convincing that the questions of his colour wasn't problem for the electors.
Personnally, we didn't think We had live long enough to see an afro-american president, and it's a wonderful symbol for colored people who suffered of descrimination.
Nevertheless, we wonder how he will fix the big mess Bush left behind, and the fact he arrived as president in the middle of an economic crissis gives him an enormous amount of work.We hope he will succed in keeping his promises because they sound so perfect that if he does, it would be certain people's dream come true.
To finish all we have to say is we are very glad and proud of american electors's vote.
First of all, it has been a long time since the USA had a Democrat, and his program and ideas are modern and tolerant.
He's respectful about the right to abort, he wants to stop the Iraq war and he also respects gay rights.
At the beginning of the elections, we were afraid that the fact he is coloured could be a handicap, but his program and charisma were so convincing that the questions of his colour wasn't problem for the electors.
Personnally, we didn't think We had live long enough to see an afro-american president, and it's a wonderful symbol for colored people who suffered of descrimination.
Nevertheless, we wonder how he will fix the big mess Bush left behind, and the fact he arrived as president in the middle of an economic crissis gives him an enormous amount of work.We hope he will succed in keeping his promises because they sound so perfect that if he does, it would be certain people's dream come true.
To finish all we have to say is we are very glad and proud of american electors's vote.
Barack Obama: a president for everybody !!!
When we knew that Barack Obama was elected we were very happy. He appeared for the first time after having gained the presidency in the state where he is a senator i.e in Chicago (Illinois). Sophia and me would have liked to be there and share with American this joy "of being able to change the United States".
The speech was very sincere he started to gratulate all the people who supported him during these months.
Voluntary people for the campaign, and people who waited hours in order to vote for him. All these people who always were with him such as his family and his partner Joe Biden and also much people who voted and their vote made the difference with Mc Cain.
Then in the second time he evokes all that awaits him during four years mandate as being president of a big country. In this passage of speech he seems very realistic that difficulties which awaits him.Even if sometimes the difficulties will be hard has to surmount. But in spite of that he seems trustful.
Finally in a last time he evoked Black's cause thanks to a woman who inspires much to him Ann Nixon Cooper who is 106 years old.
The fact that he takes in example in his speech this old woman who lived racism in the Sixties, the black population which voted in mass for him this year.
Besides he also shows that the United States changed since most of the "white" population elected him very largely as their president.
We think that Barack Obama has been elected by several categories of people.
On the one hand by the people who just elected him for his skin color, on the other hand by the people who whishes a changement in their country in particular for the insurance, healthcare.
It is true that he is the first black president elected in the United States who makes proud for the black population but we think that he shouldn't be judge on his skin color but on his program.
Especially on all that he has promised to American people Obama has much work.
To finish we believe in him and we wish for him a good luck!!!
Elodie & Sophia
The speech was very sincere he started to gratulate all the people who supported him during these months.
Voluntary people for the campaign, and people who waited hours in order to vote for him. All these people who always were with him such as his family and his partner Joe Biden and also much people who voted and their vote made the difference with Mc Cain.
Then in the second time he evokes all that awaits him during four years mandate as being president of a big country. In this passage of speech he seems very realistic that difficulties which awaits him.Even if sometimes the difficulties will be hard has to surmount. But in spite of that he seems trustful.
Finally in a last time he evoked Black's cause thanks to a woman who inspires much to him Ann Nixon Cooper who is 106 years old.
The fact that he takes in example in his speech this old woman who lived racism in the Sixties, the black population which voted in mass for him this year.
Besides he also shows that the United States changed since most of the "white" population elected him very largely as their president.
We think that Barack Obama has been elected by several categories of people.
On the one hand by the people who just elected him for his skin color, on the other hand by the people who whishes a changement in their country in particular for the insurance, healthcare.
It is true that he is the first black president elected in the United States who makes proud for the black population but we think that he shouldn't be judge on his skin color but on his program.
Especially on all that he has promised to American people Obama has much work.
To finish we believe in him and we wish for him a good luck!!!
Elodie & Sophia
"We can believe in change"
This article is talking about the new president Barack Obama.
First, we are going to tell you what we saw about Barack Obama on the Dorothy's gallery.
Dorothy is an American woman who is supporting the democrate candidate Barack Obama to the presidential. So she mixed politic and art in her gallery. It is devoted to Obama ,we can see paintings,portraits,holograms and films about Obama's campain,speech's,and songs about him by famous people:singers,actresses and actors,presentaters tv like Oprah Winfrey...We saw videos people who from all the world. It is incredible number's people who like Obama and would like him as the president of the United States. Because for them he symbolises the new America. He gives hope of a new world where everybody can make it the top" we can believe in change" or " yes we can" the most popular moto as Obama said.
At the second, in France we have tv show which are devoted to Obama's history and afro American's story because we are most intered on his skin color or his african's origin than his program and the men.
We are supporting Obama because we believe in him,he represent he first black president in United States. Who is an historical evenement.
According to a french poll 80% of french people would have voting for Obama. That it show that Obama is very famous in France and french people love him. Who give a new picture of the United States , "the sympaty" and now we don't say " the Bush's America " but "the Obama's new America".
Now we are impatiently to see him on his fonction in the White House.
We stay up all the night during the 4 november to see the result and we are not desappointed but very happy.
First, we are going to tell you what we saw about Barack Obama on the Dorothy's gallery.
Dorothy is an American woman who is supporting the democrate candidate Barack Obama to the presidential. So she mixed politic and art in her gallery. It is devoted to Obama ,we can see paintings,portraits,holograms and films about Obama's campain,speech's,and songs about him by famous people:singers,actresses and actors,presentaters tv like Oprah Winfrey...We saw videos people who from all the world. It is incredible number's people who like Obama and would like him as the president of the United States. Because for them he symbolises the new America. He gives hope of a new world where everybody can make it the top" we can believe in change" or " yes we can" the most popular moto as Obama said.
At the second, in France we have tv show which are devoted to Obama's history and afro American's story because we are most intered on his skin color or his african's origin than his program and the men.
We are supporting Obama because we believe in him,he represent he first black president in United States. Who is an historical evenement.
According to a french poll 80% of french people would have voting for Obama. That it show that Obama is very famous in France and french people love him. Who give a new picture of the United States , "the sympaty" and now we don't say " the Bush's America " but "the Obama's new America".
Now we are impatiently to see him on his fonction in the White House.
We stay up all the night during the 4 november to see the result and we are not desappointed but very happy.
Bana and Leslie.
Obama’s victory is a very interesting topic. He’s just won a historic election because he is democrat, black and young. I think it is a real progress for the US because it means the Americans have chosen him for his ideas and they have not taken the color of his skin like an obstacle, Obama is the first American black president! And moreover they have chosen democrat ideas. He doesn’t want to be only associated to the color of his skin, but he has played on, he said about himself he was the child of a black Kenyan and a white from Kansas, he is like an allegory of the mix, of the union. In France we are very happy about it, and a lot of French people were sure of his crushing victory on John McCain. I’m really glad about his victory because now at school the future generations will learn the Americans have finally a social security,a healthcare system, and they can have acces to abortion and the war in Iraq will be finished in 2009 or 2010. I find his program is really better than anything we could imagine for the US but I find some things with which I disagree like the capital punishment maintain. Also, he spoke about a civil union for the homosexuals but not about wedding. However, I wonder where he will find the money for all the changes planned. If we compare the Democrat party in the USA and the “left” in France, I think they are very far from each other because about many objectives, Obama could be like the french “centre”.
I listened his victory speech and I really liked it. I was impressed because I’m not American, I didn’t cast my vote and however I was moved, really touched by his words. He talked about the Black cause, the women history, the present, the future, and he uses the image of an old woman, Ann Nixon, which I liked because we can really imagine the big change someone who was born in the early XXs has lived. I just don’t agree with the fact he congratulates his family ect... because I think he is the future president and his family doesn’t have any politic role, but I know it is very present and important, particularly in America, to be a symbol of virtue, even in the private life, so I wasn’t surprised.
I’m profoundly full of hope for the USA and the USA are the most powerfull nation in the world, and a huge change like Obama’s presidency could be the beginning of a new era.
I listened his victory speech and I really liked it. I was impressed because I’m not American, I didn’t cast my vote and however I was moved, really touched by his words. He talked about the Black cause, the women history, the present, the future, and he uses the image of an old woman, Ann Nixon, which I liked because we can really imagine the big change someone who was born in the early XXs has lived. I just don’t agree with the fact he congratulates his family ect... because I think he is the future president and his family doesn’t have any politic role, but I know it is very present and important, particularly in America, to be a symbol of virtue, even in the private life, so I wasn’t surprised.
I’m profoundly full of hope for the USA and the USA are the most powerfull nation in the world, and a huge change like Obama’s presidency could be the beginning of a new era.
Thomas & Manon
Obama's victory

Tuesday November the 4th,
A big change is going to happen in the united states:
it is the day of the announcement of the presidentials election's results .
In the vicinity of 5.30 pm the results are given to all the world
and the the 44th U.S.A president is known...
All the voters are proud of their new president and his first action was to
congratulate all the people who helped him in his presidential campaign.
This day was very intense for everybody because it's the end of an aera: the discrimination one.
Many personality were present (like o.Winfrey and j.Jackson), they were all moved, happy, proud of their country.
Barack wants to show that blacks and white have the same capacity and can do the same works and have the same rights. However, we have to insist on the fact that he has been chosen because of his programm and not because of his skin's color.
His slogan is "change? yes we can, yes we did". He wants to show that everybody can make it to the top. he is realizing Martin Luther King's dream.
Melissa and Ines
A big change is going to happen in the united states:
it is the day of the announcement of the presidentials election's results .
In the vicinity of 5.30 pm the results are given to all the world
and the the 44th U.S.A president is known...
All the voters are proud of their new president and his first action was to
congratulate all the people who helped him in his presidential campaign.
This day was very intense for everybody because it's the end of an aera: the discrimination one.
Many personality were present (like o.Winfrey and j.Jackson), they were all moved, happy, proud of their country.
Barack wants to show that blacks and white have the same capacity and can do the same works and have the same rights. However, we have to insist on the fact that he has been chosen because of his programm and not because of his skin's color.
His slogan is "change? yes we can, yes we did". He wants to show that everybody can make it to the top. he is realizing Martin Luther King's dream.
Melissa and Ines
Yes you can...make the right choice
Hi everyone!
First af all, I would like to start this article with a message from my dad. Wednesday the 5th when we got to know about the election and that Obama won. While I was too busy to answer the phone because I was doing my activities of the day my father didn't stop calling me on my cell phone. At the end of the day I finnaly heard his message which was actualy for you. He said he was proud of all Americans for their vote (he usually doesn't really like the US so just imagine what it actually means). He asked me to tell to all of my American friends and all American people I know that you made a great choice. Because of the year I spent in the US my father kinda considers me as an American now and he said: "Your country is a great country now with a wonderful president."
He finaly said that after 8 years of Bush you made the greatest choice of the entire American History. I think I never saw him being so excited. He called me multiple times on my phone, left messages and called again and again to make sure that I knew his opinion.
As for myself, during the night of the election I was so excited I simply couldn't stop moving and walking around the house. My mom was just freaking out because I wouldn't stop talking about the election with a lot of enthousiasm. I wanted to go out to an American pub and live the victory or defeat with other true American citizens. The only thing that was on TV was Obama and MacCain so it was hard not to think about it. Unfortunalty for me all of my friends were busy that night and I didn't get to go anywhere. I kind of regret now, I should have tried to find some place where I could have either get happy drunk or mean drunk depending on who was going to win.
I finally spent the night watching Forest Gump and then went to bed. Sad, I know!
It is important to us to know who the president of the Unites Sates is going to be because, as most American people don't know or realize, your culture, politics, economy have a lot of influence in France (and I believe in whole Europe). Since our president loves the US it's important to know that your president is a smart and great man such as Obama because Sarkozy might follow him everywhere. Obama is actually the favorite of whole France. TV said that 80% of the people in France would have voted for him. I think we all agree with the fact that your president is the right one and we are sure he'll do some good for your country and the whole world.
Hope you like what your people voted if not, tell us about it. Tell us what you think about him, his program and his ancient challeger.
Can't wait to read your answer.
First af all, I would like to start this article with a message from my dad. Wednesday the 5th when we got to know about the election and that Obama won. While I was too busy to answer the phone because I was doing my activities of the day my father didn't stop calling me on my cell phone. At the end of the day I finnaly heard his message which was actualy for you. He said he was proud of all Americans for their vote (he usually doesn't really like the US so just imagine what it actually means). He asked me to tell to all of my American friends and all American people I know that you made a great choice. Because of the year I spent in the US my father kinda considers me as an American now and he said: "Your country is a great country now with a wonderful president."
He finaly said that after 8 years of Bush you made the greatest choice of the entire American History. I think I never saw him being so excited. He called me multiple times on my phone, left messages and called again and again to make sure that I knew his opinion.
As for myself, during the night of the election I was so excited I simply couldn't stop moving and walking around the house. My mom was just freaking out because I wouldn't stop talking about the election with a lot of enthousiasm. I wanted to go out to an American pub and live the victory or defeat with other true American citizens. The only thing that was on TV was Obama and MacCain so it was hard not to think about it. Unfortunalty for me all of my friends were busy that night and I didn't get to go anywhere. I kind of regret now, I should have tried to find some place where I could have either get happy drunk or mean drunk depending on who was going to win.
I finally spent the night watching Forest Gump and then went to bed. Sad, I know!
It is important to us to know who the president of the Unites Sates is going to be because, as most American people don't know or realize, your culture, politics, economy have a lot of influence in France (and I believe in whole Europe). Since our president loves the US it's important to know that your president is a smart and great man such as Obama because Sarkozy might follow him everywhere. Obama is actually the favorite of whole France. TV said that 80% of the people in France would have voted for him. I think we all agree with the fact that your president is the right one and we are sure he'll do some good for your country and the whole world.
Hope you like what your people voted if not, tell us about it. Tell us what you think about him, his program and his ancient challeger.
Can't wait to read your answer.
lundi 27 octobre 2008
Hello from Wilson!
samedi 25 octobre 2008
The American elections.
The seniors of TES1 want to share with you this event and tell you a few words:
"We are three students of 17 or 18 from France studying in Jean Jaurès in the city named Montreuil. We are French but we have different origins (Senegalese, Morrocan and Tunisian). We support Barack Obama because he wants to make good reforms which will help people in need. He gives a hope for poor men. He would like to create a health insurance which is a bit like ours. Moreover he comes from the middle class which means that he had to fight to be where he is now. we admire his rise. We can also say that he wants to unify people by trying to find another solution than the former president or the candidate McCain."
from Olfa, Molo and Myriam.
"Hi to everybody!
I'm Allyson, a young Parisian High School girl who is French with let us say remote Spanish origins.
Here the American presidential elections in the United States are present in most of the news on al the networks. With regards to these elections, a large majority of French people show an incredible passion. Some acts in the campaign and suport seem excessive. The French presidential elections are less of a show.Such as the voting intention of the stars which carefully remain private. In short, I think it would be a good hope if an Afro-American could become president in a country such as the United States."
from Allyson.
I'm Vanessa. I come from France, more precisely Paris?. Futhermore I'm from the West Indis and I woul like Barack Obama to become the next president of the United States because he's more open-minded than McCain and more ambitious with his program. Maybe we will see a new America,a stronger one with less poverty and more solidarity. For me Barack Obama is the ideal candidate!"
From Vanessa.
"In France we think that the United States dominate international politics because in the fields of politics, economics and military they play a big role.
There are two candidates Mc Cain and Obama. We are two students who support the left wing parties in France , so we support Obama. We support him because he would favour intervionist policies and he would want more equality. he is less conservative than McCain. As a symbol if Obama becomes president, this will show an evolution in mentalities."
from Alexis and Simon.
"We think the American elections are very important because America goes through a major economic crisis. We think Barack Obama is the best to change and save America. Barack Obama represent a new hope and the new generation. He can understand the problems and the real america. he is young and new, he is the best candidate. We do support him as French students."
from Benjamin and Divin.
"For us Barack Obama is our favourite candidate because his program could change many things in the United States and in the rest of the world. Natably, racial discrimination which still exists. He wishes to create a plan to stop the war in Iraq. He also wants to help the poorest families. And finally he wants to increase the minimum wage of the Americans. That's why we support him and would like him to become the President of the Unted States.
Being native from the African continent, our choice goes more to the Democrats who for us wouls solve several problems in our society."
from Tihinan and Himmène.
"We are two students from France and we are interested in American politics. In our point of view, The French are more interested in Obama's political answers to the different issues.We think the social policies Obama would favor will bring more equality because he wants to help poor people and people in need.
his political position about Iraq and against this war is good.He has a better position on immigration. He wants to regulate it and speak with Mexico to curb it."
from Angèle and Marion.
The seniors of TES1 want to share with you this event and tell you a few words:
"We are three students of 17 or 18 from France studying in Jean Jaurès in the city named Montreuil. We are French but we have different origins (Senegalese, Morrocan and Tunisian). We support Barack Obama because he wants to make good reforms which will help people in need. He gives a hope for poor men. He would like to create a health insurance which is a bit like ours. Moreover he comes from the middle class which means that he had to fight to be where he is now. we admire his rise. We can also say that he wants to unify people by trying to find another solution than the former president or the candidate McCain."
from Olfa, Molo and Myriam.
"Hi to everybody!
I'm Allyson, a young Parisian High School girl who is French with let us say remote Spanish origins.
Here the American presidential elections in the United States are present in most of the news on al the networks. With regards to these elections, a large majority of French people show an incredible passion. Some acts in the campaign and suport seem excessive. The French presidential elections are less of a show.Such as the voting intention of the stars which carefully remain private. In short, I think it would be a good hope if an Afro-American could become president in a country such as the United States."
from Allyson.
I'm Vanessa. I come from France, more precisely Paris?. Futhermore I'm from the West Indis and I woul like Barack Obama to become the next president of the United States because he's more open-minded than McCain and more ambitious with his program. Maybe we will see a new America,a stronger one with less poverty and more solidarity. For me Barack Obama is the ideal candidate!"
From Vanessa.
"In France we think that the United States dominate international politics because in the fields of politics, economics and military they play a big role.
There are two candidates Mc Cain and Obama. We are two students who support the left wing parties in France , so we support Obama. We support him because he would favour intervionist policies and he would want more equality. he is less conservative than McCain. As a symbol if Obama becomes president, this will show an evolution in mentalities."
from Alexis and Simon.
"We think the American elections are very important because America goes through a major economic crisis. We think Barack Obama is the best to change and save America. Barack Obama represent a new hope and the new generation. He can understand the problems and the real america. he is young and new, he is the best candidate. We do support him as French students."
from Benjamin and Divin.
"For us Barack Obama is our favourite candidate because his program could change many things in the United States and in the rest of the world. Natably, racial discrimination which still exists. He wishes to create a plan to stop the war in Iraq. He also wants to help the poorest families. And finally he wants to increase the minimum wage of the Americans. That's why we support him and would like him to become the President of the Unted States.
Being native from the African continent, our choice goes more to the Democrats who for us wouls solve several problems in our society."
from Tihinan and Himmène.
"We are two students from France and we are interested in American politics. In our point of view, The French are more interested in Obama's political answers to the different issues.We think the social policies Obama would favor will bring more equality because he wants to help poor people and people in need.
his political position about Iraq and against this war is good.He has a better position on immigration. He wants to regulate it and speak with Mexico to curb it."
from Angèle and Marion.
dimanche 19 octobre 2008
Hi to everybody!
We wish you a great time and thanks again to the charming host families.
We wish you a great time and thanks again to the charming host families.
dimanche 21 septembre 2008
By Eve
I returned to school this September of 2008, without excess of entousiasme, as every years, maybe even worse this time, because on September 1st, a friend left for ever. The good point this year, it is that all my teachers looks like pleasant, and I have no class on Saturdays. I did not like too much my class of the last year, but I think that this year, the new persons are very nice. It is a motivation to come to school, not as the last year. The philosophy is an new interesting subject this year. I think that for September the weather is too cold and it's hard in the morning to go to school, but that is not important, I say that simply because I have to say nothing more and because I have to write approximtely 200 words. This year is very serious, because it is the BAC at the end of this year, as you when you have your squared things on the head at the end of the high school. So I have to work hard this year, I don't laugh. But for me, that is going to be complicated.
vendredi 19 septembre 2008
My first mission during my vacation and a new student at school

This summer I got to have my first mission in the army. I didn't go to any contry, it wasn't a dagerous mission I actually stayed in Paris the whole time. I prepared the 14the of July. For those who do not know what it is, let's have a little History lesson. During the French Revolution the 14th of July 1789 the people in Paris went to La Bastille which at the time a prison to obtain guns and fight against the Monarchy. Since that day, every year in France we celebrate La prise de la Bastille which is a bit like the 4th of July for you in the United States.
During that celebration, there is a huge military parade where all the military vehicules and hundred if soldiers walk along the Champs Elysées in front of the president. This parade is made to show the people "the army". Show them our material and prestige. I didn't get to walk along the Champs Elysées but I got to prepare the rest. It takes about 2 weeks of intense work. If you are ever in Paris during the 14th of July you HAVE GOT TO see it because it's so impressive.
Our main goal during this mission is taking care of all the vehicules, taking them from their military base and then bring them to one military base which was espacially made for the soldiers and the vehicules to rehearse. They do it for about a week. It's not as easy as it seems to be.
Then after they rehearsal we have to take them to the Champs Elysées. It's quite a bog job, first we have to make sure the tanks (chars Leclerc) which are the biggest tank we have in the French army and many other kinds of vehicules can drive on all the roads. It's pretty complicated there are some roads and avenues the tanks are simply too be to take them. And of course we have to make sure that they don't get lost in Paris. We also have to assure the civils's security. Some drivenrs don't really care about the military convoy and just keep on going which is really dangerous because tanks are really big and accidents easily happen. Fortunately, even with some not very friendly and very citizen decided that they had to right to cross a
street in the middle of dozens of tanks, the mission went good and nothing bad happened.
For a few days I worked in the base where there is the rehearsal and I saw about 50 times the parade. It was nice and the drivers in the tank were nice to me. It was pretty hot and it was kind of annoying. Seeing the parade 50 times just waiting on the road to make sure no civil vehicules come and it was annoying for the drivers as well. So we tried to joke around when we had time, I was the only girl on my patrol so guys were always trying to get my attention. It was funny... I understand them there had to stay all day long sitting and driving slowly around a landing strip. It's very hot in a tank! I got to cross Paris in a tank, it was just amazing! And just so hot! It was great. People seemed so happy and impressed to see us. Children were screaming of happiness. It is my best memory of my entire military
experience so far.
I don't know if you can see it on the pictures but the tanks are really big. With my army pals were were making some road signs to show the direction to the drivers who were drinving the tanks. I spent most of my time the car at transmission as you can see on one of the pictures. My duty was keepng the link with the other patrol, knowing were they were in case of an accident and also to simply organize the whole thing.
I love transmissions, it looks alot like in war movies where they speak with some sort of code. It sounds cool and complicated when you do it but it's not that hard. I just think it's fun...
Now we are back to school as Seniors for the most part of us and for a few they repeat their Junior year. We also have a new student in our class who will be going to D.C. When I showed her the pictre of me in the military car with another army pal working, she thought I was a man and said she a
ctually found me cute...
During that celebration, there is a huge military parade where all the military vehicules and hundred if soldiers walk along the Champs Elysées in front of the president. This parade is made to show the people "the army". Show them our material and prestige. I didn't get to walk along the Champs Elysées but I got to prepare the rest. It takes about 2 weeks of intense work. If you are ever in Paris during the 14th of July you HAVE GOT TO see it because it's so impressive.
Our main goal during this mission is taking care of all the vehicules, taking them from their military base and then bring them to one military base which was espacially made for the soldiers and the vehicules to rehearse. They do it for about a week. It's not as easy as it seems to be.
Then after they rehearsal we have to take them to the Champs Elysées. It's quite a bog job, first we have to make sure the tanks (chars Leclerc) which are the biggest tank we have in the French army and many other kinds of vehicules can drive on all the roads. It's pretty complicated there are some roads and avenues the tanks are simply too be to take them. And of course we have to make sure that they don't get lost in Paris. We also have to assure the civils's security. Some drivenrs don't really care about the military convoy and just keep on going which is really dangerous because tanks are really big and accidents easily happen. Fortunately, even with some not very friendly and very citizen decided that they had to right to cross a
For a few days I worked in the base where there is the rehearsal and I saw about 50 times the parade. It was nice and the drivers in the tank were nice to me. It was pretty hot and it was kind of annoying. Seeing the parade 50 times just waiting on the road to make sure no civil vehicules come and it was annoying for the drivers as well. So we tried to joke around when we had time, I was the only girl on my patrol so guys were always trying to get my attention. It was funny... I understand them there had to stay all day long sitting and driving slowly around a landing strip. It's very hot in a tank! I got to cross Paris in a tank, it was just amazing! And just so hot! It was great. People seemed so happy and impressed to see us. Children were screaming of happiness. It is my best memory of my entire military
I don't know if you can see it on the pictures but the tanks are really big. With my army pals were were making some road signs to show the direction to the drivers who were drinving the tanks. I spent most of my time the car at transmission as you can see on one of the pictures. My duty was keepng the link with the other patrol, knowing were they were in case of an accident and also to simply organize the whole thing.
I love transmissions, it looks alot like in war movies where they speak with some sort of code. It sounds cool and complicated when you do it but it's not that hard. I just think it's fun...
Now we are back to school as Seniors for the most part of us and for a few they repeat their Junior year. We also have a new student in our class who will be going to D.C. When I showed her the pictre of me in the military car with another army pal working, she thought I was a man and said she a
leslie & sophia's holidays !!!
We are (sophia and leslie) going to explain our holidays.
Leslie is going to tell you Sophia's holidays, and Sophia, leslie's holidays !
This year ,leslie with her mother and her two sisters for the summer holidays,are decided to pass their holidays in the south of France, to the Grande Motte a city near Montpellier.
Two weeks of holidays at the seaside with sun everyday: the dream of the perfect summer holidays for her.
They rented an apartment in a summer camp who is situated at 500 kilometre of the beach.
It was the first time that leslie went in summer camp and she liked it. There is a club for the young like her who have the same age than her between 15 and 18 years.
The leaders of the club were very nice.
Every morning she has activities: she played beach volley, games ball like basket and football, for the first time she played paint ball… and every afternoon she went to the beach with the other youngs.
The best remember that she had is the first time that she did jet ski, it was fantastic. At first she was afraid but at the end she liked it.
Every night there were evening party and it was very funny.
During this holidays she met a lot of people who become her friends and as they don’t live in the same city they keep contact in speaking by email or by phone.
During the summer holidays, Sophia went in Algeria with her mother for one month and a half.
When she arrived , the three first days she went to a wending with her favorite cousin.
They danced, they didn't sleep during the marriage.
When she came back, Sophia met her cousin Annys (who was in the same city for his holidays).
For the first time, she met her babies cousins : two girls ( Manal and Nour).
After, Annys and Sophia gone on the beach with cousins and no parents it was very funny!!
At the end of the holidays, she did her first day of Ramadan and it was very good and it was better than in France because all people did'nt eat.
To finish, Sophia was very glad to see again her family and her friends in Algerie.She takes more pictures/moments in her head...
And you what are you doing for during your holidays???
Sophia & Leslie.
Leslie is going to tell you Sophia's holidays, and Sophia, leslie's holidays !
This year ,leslie with her mother and her two sisters for the summer holidays,are decided to pass their holidays in the south of France, to the Grande Motte a city near Montpellier.
Two weeks of holidays at the seaside with sun everyday: the dream of the perfect summer holidays for her.
They rented an apartment in a summer camp who is situated at 500 kilometre of the beach.
It was the first time that leslie went in summer camp and she liked it. There is a club for the young like her who have the same age than her between 15 and 18 years.
The leaders of the club were very nice.
Every morning she has activities: she played beach volley, games ball like basket and football, for the first time she played paint ball… and every afternoon she went to the beach with the other youngs.
The best remember that she had is the first time that she did jet ski, it was fantastic. At first she was afraid but at the end she liked it.
Every night there were evening party and it was very funny.
During this holidays she met a lot of people who become her friends and as they don’t live in the same city they keep contact in speaking by email or by phone.
During the summer holidays, Sophia went in Algeria with her mother for one month and a half.
When she arrived , the three first days she went to a wending with her favorite cousin.
They danced, they didn't sleep during the marriage.
When she came back, Sophia met her cousin Annys (who was in the same city for his holidays).
For the first time, she met her babies cousins : two girls ( Manal and Nour).
After, Annys and Sophia gone on the beach with cousins and no parents it was very funny!!
At the end of the holidays, she did her first day of Ramadan and it was very good and it was better than in France because all people did'nt eat.
To finish, Sophia was very glad to see again her family and her friends in Algerie.She takes more pictures/moments in her head...
And you what are you doing for during your holidays???
Sophia & Leslie.
By Elodie
The holidays are almost finished and I still don't know in which college I would be.
I wanted turned over in my college but finally I decided to start again my year of literary terminal in the college Jean Jaurès.
The day of the inscriptions I was with my parents to take my registration form. As soon as the entry of the college I was impressed by this place besides I sought the office a long time where I was to address me. The next morning with my friends we were to bring back our registrations forms. At the time it way to go to the college we had taken our landmark so that the J- day we wouldn't be late.
The day arrived, I didn't know anything of this college. Only I knew that corridors are" interminable" and that there are good professors.
That was stressing it's when it was necessary to wait for the distribution of the classes of terminal and to be in a class where I wouldn't be with my friends. Finally we found ourselves in the same class we were glad to be together because we can make duties, and to revise in group.
I knew few pupils in this class I was withdrawn but immediately pupils explained me how was this college Besides I was gladed that pupils explains me because I think that it's always stressing for a person to be in an establishment that he doesn't know.
To conclude my going back to school happened very well and I don't regret having to change college to know new people within this college.
And you?
I wanted turned over in my college but finally I decided to start again my year of literary terminal in the college Jean Jaurès.
The day of the inscriptions I was with my parents to take my registration form. As soon as the entry of the college I was impressed by this place besides I sought the office a long time where I was to address me. The next morning with my friends we were to bring back our registrations forms. At the time it way to go to the college we had taken our landmark so that the J- day we wouldn't be late.
The day arrived, I didn't know anything of this college. Only I knew that corridors are" interminable" and that there are good professors.
That was stressing it's when it was necessary to wait for the distribution of the classes of terminal and to be in a class where I wouldn't be with my friends. Finally we found ourselves in the same class we were glad to be together because we can make duties, and to revise in group.
I knew few pupils in this class I was withdrawn but immediately pupils explained me how was this college Besides I was gladed that pupils explains me because I think that it's always stressing for a person to be in an establishment that he doesn't know.
To conclude my going back to school happened very well and I don't regret having to change college to know new people within this college.
And you?
By Samia and Emine
I had two months of holidays july and august, throughtout of holidays I bored. I was like a small bit of iron in the bottom of the test tube and who rust through the time. This summer I wasn't mood. The sun was present and gave the joy everybody but don't for me. The sea where everybody believe who are like a fish in the water for me I was in my bath. I prefered step with my slipper in the corridors in my home that step with the sandal in the street. I was like a prisonner, my gardian was my bad mood. I had a inwillingness, I was disinteresed for all. My principale activities in this time were watch tv and eat the sweets. I failed my examen and I was very sad. The holidays was interminable and it was horrible. I have the habit to said that the time pass rapidly but here I found it was unbelievable slow. In my bed I was very quikly and I hibernated was a means for support the time in my pains.It was unforgettable because I was really sad also I take five kilo. I love laugh, I'm joker but during this period I was surprised by myself because I have rarely tell a joke.
by Emine and Samia
by Emine and Samia
Friday,September 19th
SUJET 2: Going back to school?(200 words)
The school jean-jaures was not my school last years I was in eugenie cotton school.This school it's new for me like teachers and pupils.I didn't have my baccalaureat it was a instant very difficult for me yet I have prefer change and go in the new school for a new years and a new life I would me give a second chance.In going back to school I not think that I went have confus because this way of life was not for me.I not know nobody besides my class not be convenient because there was a option italian I didn't study this language what me flustered even more.A few weeks later I changed class and the option .In this class there was my friends of my class of last year I am feeled good and moreover I am choosed a option which me agree.They weeks passed and I knew integrate. For conclude in going back to school I'm feeled very ache I wouldn't going the following day and I would stop the school but all well that ends well.
(191 words)
Mehdi - I went to Morocco during my holidays, to see my family first, then, to go to the beach. I was in the city of Taourirt, in the north-east, first, with my grand-parents, my aunts and my cousins. then I went to Saidia, at the beach all the day and I made different activities during the night like, going to clubs or walk on the boulevard. I also went to Casablanca and Rabat, to visit a little bit the country. So, I had funny holidays !
Jeremy - I worked a lot in the society of my father,during july and in the middle of august i went in the west of France,in Vendée,on the coast.It was very funny,I was with two friend and we left montreuil to go there but we had some problem (money^^) so we only went to the beach,and visited the country.But it was very good holidays just during one week,it's the only bad thing...but a lot of memories are in my mind.
Jeremy - I worked a lot in the society of my father,during july and in the middle of august i went in the west of France,in Vendée,on the coast.It was very funny,I was with two friend and we left montreuil to go there but we had some problem (money^^) so we only went to the beach,and visited the country.But it was very good holidays just during one week,it's the only bad thing...but a lot of memories are in my mind.
My summer holiday had everythi,g to be perfect.I had my mom's flat for myself for two long months,some money,and a lot of free time for myself.I invited my best friend and my boyfriend over,and we did all a teenager would do without an adult around,including excessive pizza consommation,redefining the limits of what used to be called VERY LOUD MUSIC,and traumatizing the cat and the neightbours,who were so frightened they didn't dare protest.
As you can see,erything was perfect.The problem is,in this marvellous country that is France,Mr Dwarfman decides everythig.I won't say his real name not to get censured,but you can guess who he is if you are very,very smart.So as I was saying,Mr Dwarfman is very powerful,and very,very smart.And His Holy Smartness decided to pultiply the price of food by 33 per cent,making my budget look very small all of a sudden,and my holydays started looking like a very uncool remake of "Mission Impossible",since my best friend was broke and I had to pay for her too.
So my holiday turned all of a sudden into a life sized economy class,which turned out rather cool cause I lost some weight,but believe me,at the end of the two months,I was craving for fruits and salad,and I hated pizza and noodles.
Anyway,all that was very constructive and thought me a little more about adulthood,so even though I never thought I could say that,thank you Mr Dwarfman!
So how was your summer ?
As you can see,erything was perfect.The problem is,in this marvellous country that is France,Mr Dwarfman decides everythig.I won't say his real name not to get censured,but you can guess who he is if you are very,very smart.So as I was saying,Mr Dwarfman is very powerful,and very,very smart.And His Holy Smartness decided to pultiply the price of food by 33 per cent,making my budget look very small all of a sudden,and my holydays started looking like a very uncool remake of "Mission Impossible",since my best friend was broke and I had to pay for her too.
So my holiday turned all of a sudden into a life sized economy class,which turned out rather cool cause I lost some weight,but believe me,at the end of the two months,I was craving for fruits and salad,and I hated pizza and noodles.
Anyway,all that was very constructive and thought me a little more about adulthood,so even though I never thought I could say that,thank you Mr Dwarfman!
So how was your summer ?

My Hollidays
During the summer, i was in Disneyland with my friends for my birthday. We were six persons and we decided to spend a good day. I sent i was back to childhood. We did a lot of attractions. We did a pirates castel, the haunted house, the Lancelot's carrousel, the train of the mine, space mountain and after that, we lunched in very pretty restaurant, we met Jack sparrow, winie pooh, cinderella, snow white, the king louis, geppetto, Mickey, robin hood, nothingham's sheriff, sleeping beauty, tiger, eeyore, the heart queen in alice in the wonderland, and we took a photograph with them. We did too disney studio and the terror tower, it's a very very good attraction, i loved it ! And I had for my birthday, 3 teddy bear, a jacket, dvd, and a dog. His name is Daiki And he is an english Cocker. I think it's the best birthday I spent, for my 18 go to disneyland can to be strange but, i think it was wonderfull ! It was the once i went over there and it was really good. I hope i will return in disney land, because it's so good.
During the summer i went to in Spain to see a friend who live overthere. It was very good too, we went in pub, we danced, we went in the beach, We did a boat and more other things so good. It was the best holliday that i spent.
My holidays

This summer I was in Algeria for my holidays.
I was with my family,it was very funny;beach,riding and sun everyday!!
I was exactly in Alger,the capital.
My neighborhood,Notre Dame D'Afrique is a very beautiful place visited by a lot of tourists because there is a beautiful cathedral.
At the and of August,I went to Marseille during one week.
It was very pleasant;I went to the Stade Vélodrome,the football stadium of Marseille,one of the most popular in France.
Several of the best footballers plays (like Nasri,Cissé,Zidane..)there.
I took a lot of photos.
This summer was very fun and pleasant for my family and me.
It was the best holiday that I spent.
Return To school
2 weeks ago, a new year begun at school. It was the big day for us, after 2 months on holidays it was a little hard to come back at school (and wake up early). We got new head-master, new teachers, new pupils in call and a new timetable : it's probably the most exciting thing, to know how we'll spend that new year. With this new year, two new subjects are comming : Philosophy & litterature. Litterature is like french, so we know how it works, but philosophy is more strange, weird sometimes. When you have to say to everyone what you think & explain it, it's not like the others subjects. This year is the most important for us. At the end we have a large examination, the baccalaureat which is necessary to make studies superiors and find a work. This come back to school is very difficult for all the pupils because we know that we will have to provide much work to obtain this examination.. The positive point is of again being able to see his/her friends after a long abscence and to know that we will go soon has washington DC.
And you how was your return to school?
And you how was your return to school?
Cora & Carine.
this holiday ( july and august) me and Alimatou stay in france , normaly we must go in africa but we can't for personel reason we go out with friend . Alima rest in paris and visit it and go to "paris plage" which consiston on transform into "la seine" like beach because can't go to in real beach and in town and i go to normandie in august because i worked all july . the rain was here in august so we watch TV me i saw the olympic game it was fantastic . Alima watch a reality show which had sucessfuly it was "secret story" consit to have a secret in home and keep this secret but with the other candidat who ask you a lot of question and this clues of the "voice" (the master of secret story ) it as hand to keep your secret and at the end one of the candidate win a lot of money . and an other reality show "l'ile de la tentation " consist on many couple come o isle of mexique and are separate on two different isle the men on the part and women on the second part and they have many temtation at the end couple must found them . and you what do you do this summer?
Bana and Alimatou .
Bana and Alimatou .
Going back to school.
The holidays are finished, September is arrived with the cold wind and the return to school… We are going to tell you how was the start of the new school year.
First of all, it took place on Tuesday, September 2nd. We were all very satisfied to be back together for this new year, because we didn’t see each other during the all summer. Last year, in june and july, we had exams, we passed math, sciences, biology and french, so we haven’t theses subjects anymore. We have only litterary subjects:
- Four hours of Litterature
- Four hours of History and Geography (with the same professor)
- Eight hours of Philosophy (it’s a new subject!)
- Five hours of English ( with Mrs Parrinello and Bouslama who will come to Washington,DC with the second group)
- Two hours of LV2 ( Spanish, or German, or Italian)
- And we still have two hours of sport.
This year we are in terminale, it’s like senior class (it’s the last term before the big exam, nammed le baccalauréat). In English we will work on the American elections because, even in France it’s a big deal! In Jean Jaures we have changed of head, like in Wilson. Mrs Grizard is gone and the new provisor is called Mr. “I forgot his name”.
So, the go back to school is a little hard because we all want to be in holidays again, and we have more homework than last years. Just a thing was specail, it’s that we began the school year with almost the same class as last year. That’s unusual and rather cool !
How was yours? Do you miss pupils who are gone to college? Tell us :)
Thomas and Manon
First of all, it took place on Tuesday, September 2nd. We were all very satisfied to be back together for this new year, because we didn’t see each other during the all summer. Last year, in june and july, we had exams, we passed math, sciences, biology and french, so we haven’t theses subjects anymore. We have only litterary subjects:
- Four hours of Litterature
- Four hours of History and Geography (with the same professor)
- Eight hours of Philosophy (it’s a new subject!)
- Five hours of English ( with Mrs Parrinello and Bouslama who will come to Washington,DC with the second group)
- Two hours of LV2 ( Spanish, or German, or Italian)
- And we still have two hours of sport.
This year we are in terminale, it’s like senior class (it’s the last term before the big exam, nammed le baccalauréat). In English we will work on the American elections because, even in France it’s a big deal! In Jean Jaures we have changed of head, like in Wilson. Mrs Grizard is gone and the new provisor is called Mr. “I forgot his name”.
So, the go back to school is a little hard because we all want to be in holidays again, and we have more homework than last years. Just a thing was specail, it’s that we began the school year with almost the same class as last year. That’s unusual and rather cool !
How was yours? Do you miss pupils who are gone to college? Tell us :)
Thomas and Manon
samedi 31 mai 2008
samedi 24 mai 2008
mercredi 7 mai 2008
what have you learn about washington d.c.??
when i was in Washington D.C. i learnt a lot of things. from now on i know that all prejudices that french peoples have on american people are wrong.American people are very very nice,generous, welcoming,they have them heart on their sleeves...
Before the trip i thought that they had a superficial life,i mean,i thought that for exemple the food was totally chemical,all the teenagers was spoiled,only children,selfish but i was surprised to see the totally reverse.
American students were delightful and very dedicated to us like teachers(mrs foxen......)headmasters and parents.
Life in America ismore exiting than the French life because i think that American people are more open than fench people.
Before the trip i thought that they had a superficial life,i mean,i thought that for exemple the food was totally chemical,all the teenagers was spoiled,only children,selfish but i was surprised to see the totally reverse.
American students were delightful and very dedicated to us like teachers(mrs foxen......)headmasters and parents.
Life in America ismore exiting than the French life because i think that American people are more open than fench people.
lundi 5 mai 2008
Les événements courants à D.C.
Il y a toujours des choses intéressantes continuant à D.C. En particulier, récemment, des discothèques pour les enfants tres jeunes ont les endroits populaires devenus qu'il faut que les jeunes parents prennent leurs enfants.
Tandis que les gosses dansent, les parents peuvent rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et apprécier une boisson ou deux. Je suis sûr que vous trouvez ceci étrange. Mais, les enfants semblent heureux.
Il est même peu un peu commun pour les jeunes vont aux discothèques et c'est plus étrange pour les bébés sortent pour danser. Je me demande si cette tendance se propagera en France?
Tandis que les gosses dansent, les parents peuvent rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et apprécier une boisson ou deux. Je suis sûr que vous trouvez ceci étrange. Mais, les enfants semblent heureux.
Il est même peu un peu commun pour les jeunes vont aux discothèques et c'est plus étrange pour les bébés sortent pour danser. Je me demande si cette tendance se propagera en France?
The better than sex cake...
As promissed I give you the recipie of the cake I made and that you guys seemed to like it so much that it was gone in about 30 minutes.
I: Le sablé: mélanger 100 grammes de beurre environs fondu avec un mug de sucre brun, une mug de farine et un de noix de coco rapée, eventuellement une portion de leveure. Metter au four pendant 10 à 15 minutes à 400°F.
II: Pendant ce temps, faire fondre 300 grammes de beurre dans une casserole et y ajouter 400 grammes de lait concentré sucré ajouter une cuillère à soupe de sucre liquide. Mélanger le tout à feu doux pendant envirions 30 minutes jusqu'a ce que la mixture soit un peu dorée.
Mettre le caramel sur le sablé et l'étaler. Le laisser refroidir au réfrigirateur.
II: Faire fondre envirion 150, 200 grammes de chocolat noir avec un peu de beurre dans une casserole à feu doux. Versé le chocolat sur le caramel et l'étaler.
Attendre que la chocolat refroidisse avant de manger. Puis couper comme bon vous semble. Vous pouvez enfin déguster le gateau et vous morfondre de culpabilité sur votre culotte de cheval et votre cellulite.
Bon appetit!
I: Le sablé: mélanger 100 grammes de beurre environs fondu avec un mug de sucre brun, une mug de farine et un de noix de coco rapée, eventuellement une portion de leveure. Metter au four pendant 10 à 15 minutes à 400°F.
II: Pendant ce temps, faire fondre 300 grammes de beurre dans une casserole et y ajouter 400 grammes de lait concentré sucré ajouter une cuillère à soupe de sucre liquide. Mélanger le tout à feu doux pendant envirions 30 minutes jusqu'a ce que la mixture soit un peu dorée.
Mettre le caramel sur le sablé et l'étaler. Le laisser refroidir au réfrigirateur.
II: Faire fondre envirion 150, 200 grammes de chocolat noir avec un peu de beurre dans une casserole à feu doux. Versé le chocolat sur le caramel et l'étaler.
Attendre que la chocolat refroidisse avant de manger. Puis couper comme bon vous semble. Vous pouvez enfin déguster le gateau et vous morfondre de culpabilité sur votre culotte de cheval et votre cellulite.
Bon appetit!
dimanche 4 mai 2008
Passport DC

Salut mes amis!
Ma classe et moi devons faire un project au sujet d’événements actuels à Washington, D.C., donc je veux parler de “Passport DC”. C’est une période de deux semaines quand toute les ambassades à Washington des pays dans l’Union européenne (EU) sont ouvert au public. Il y a les interprétations, la nourriture, et des occasions pour rencontrer les ambassadeurs de chaque pays. Par exemple, à l’ambassade de Kazakhstan, il y a une bande folklorique qui viens aux États-Unis pour cet événement. L’ambassade de Pakistan a converti leur cour en une place du marché pakistanaise traditionelle. “Passport DC” est une bonne occasion pour apprendre de beaucoup de pays, et voir les cultures qui sont différentes de votre culture. J’espère que je n’étais pas trop ennuyeuse… Au revoir!
Michelle :)
Ma classe et moi devons faire un project au sujet d’événements actuels à Washington, D.C., donc je veux parler de “Passport DC”. C’est une période de deux semaines quand toute les ambassades à Washington des pays dans l’Union européenne (EU) sont ouvert au public. Il y a les interprétations, la nourriture, et des occasions pour rencontrer les ambassadeurs de chaque pays. Par exemple, à l’ambassade de Kazakhstan, il y a une bande folklorique qui viens aux États-Unis pour cet événement. L’ambassade de Pakistan a converti leur cour en une place du marché pakistanaise traditionelle. “Passport DC” est une bonne occasion pour apprendre de beaucoup de pays, et voir les cultures qui sont différentes de votre culture. J’espère que je n’étais pas trop ennuyeuse… Au revoir!
Michelle :)
(La photo est de l'ambassade de Kazakhstan.)
mercredi 23 avril 2008
To great teachers, host families and students
Thank you to all the teachers, families and students who made our stay so fantastic. We have great and fond memories of Washington DC because you welcomed us so well. We are looking forward to your coming and visiting here in Paris.
Sandrine, Christophe and Isabelle.
Sandrine, Christophe and Isabelle.
vendredi 18 avril 2008
mardi 15 avril 2008
L'injustice ...
Bonjour a tous les malheureux qui sont restes dans notre pays pluvieux ... Ici la temperature est montee a 25 ...
Mais je ne suis pas la pour vous parler de la pluie et du beau temps, en effet, j'ai constate un nombre de jolies demoiselles superieur a notre mediocre moyenne francaise ... Tout est grand ici, les voitures, les maisons, les centres commerciaux (Anys, Nassim & Leonard vous en diront des nouvelles ...), et meme les decolletes de nos cheres amies americaines ...
Pendant que vous bloquez, on se rince l'oeil ... :-)

Il nous reste encore toure la fin de la semaine, on vous donnera surement encore des nouvelles, desole pour les accents, mais la, les K'1-ry, bah ils ont deconne sur le clavier, voila Bisous a tous, vous nous manquez pas du tout ...
Mais je ne suis pas la pour vous parler de la pluie et du beau temps, en effet, j'ai constate un nombre de jolies demoiselles superieur a notre mediocre moyenne francaise ... Tout est grand ici, les voitures, les maisons, les centres commerciaux (Anys, Nassim & Leonard vous en diront des nouvelles ...), et meme les decolletes de nos cheres amies americaines ...
Pendant que vous bloquez, on se rince l'oeil ... :-)
Bon, autre chose, sur la photo juste en-dessous, vous avez les boissons que Irene, Leonard et moi-meme avons teste, qui sont au passage super bonnes, seulement, notre cher pays nous interdit d'en avoir, sauf pour le Red Bull, qui est maintenant autorise en France, mais bon voila, IL N'Y A PLUS DE TAURINE DEDANS !!!! F*** THAT S*** !!!!
En revanche, c'est blinde de taurine dans toutes les boissons sur la photo ...
En revanche, c'est blinde de taurine dans toutes les boissons sur la photo ...
Il nous reste encore toure la fin de la semaine, on vous donnera surement encore des nouvelles, desole pour les accents, mais la, les K'1-ry, bah ils ont deconne sur le clavier, voila Bisous a tous, vous nous manquez pas du tout ...
dimanche 13 avril 2008
deuxiéme jour et week-end
bonjour à tous ceux qui sont à Paris, parents ,élèves et professeurs,
Tout va bien. Hier nous avons visité le Mall et le Jefferson Memorial, le Vietnam War Memorial, le Second World War Memorial puis après un rapide repas sur le Mall nous sommes allés visiter le musée de la shoah qui est très bien fait: Nous sommes retournés à Wilson où les familles d'accueil attendaient nos eleves pour la soirée. Aujourd'hui ils sont en famille et certaines familles ont decidé de faire des activités en commum avec d'autres familles. Même si nous marchons beaucoup, les élèves ne se plaignent pas. leurs familles sont très agréables et coopératives et les élèves américains s'occupent bien d'eux. Rassurez-vous, tout va bien.
Bonjour à tous.
Tout va bien. Hier nous avons visité le Mall et le Jefferson Memorial, le Vietnam War Memorial, le Second World War Memorial puis après un rapide repas sur le Mall nous sommes allés visiter le musée de la shoah qui est très bien fait: Nous sommes retournés à Wilson où les familles d'accueil attendaient nos eleves pour la soirée. Aujourd'hui ils sont en famille et certaines familles ont decidé de faire des activités en commum avec d'autres familles. Même si nous marchons beaucoup, les élèves ne se plaignent pas. leurs familles sont très agréables et coopératives et les élèves américains s'occupent bien d'eux. Rassurez-vous, tout va bien.
Bonjour à tous.
samedi 12 avril 2008
Nous avons aprecie l accueil que nous ont fait les americain et les americaines et l apprentissage du slang, l argot americain, souvent ponctue de b**ch, f**k and s**t ,pour ma part que j ai trouve tres vulgaire et inapproprie . Sinon ils sont adorables et tres sociables.
Ce qui est fou c est que a DC tout est enorme : les maisons (200 m carre minimum), les routes les ecoles , les 4x4 ,les boissons d 1 litre au MacDo impossible a finir pour un francais de souche comme moi , et qui a du termine dans un immense frigot american.
..... Comment parler de DC sans parler des american girls: nous avons decouvert au plus grand plaisir de la gente masculine et de Bastien, l usage non modere du mini.... qui nous a empeche de nous concentrer sur ce qui est vraiment important comme la visite des monuments l apprentissage de l autre et de sa culture et tout le reste..... Gros bizoo a ce qui sont restent a paris et qui luttent ,en bloquant et en manifestant, pour un monde meilleur !!
Ps: veuillez m excuser pour les fautes de ponctuation mais je n arrive decidement pas a me faire au clavier americain.
Ce qui est fou c est que a DC tout est enorme : les maisons (200 m carre minimum), les routes les ecoles , les 4x4 ,les boissons d 1 litre au MacDo impossible a finir pour un francais de souche comme moi , et qui a du termine dans un immense frigot american.
..... Comment parler de DC sans parler des american girls: nous avons decouvert au plus grand plaisir de la gente masculine et de Bastien, l usage non modere du mini.... qui nous a empeche de nous concentrer sur ce qui est vraiment important comme la visite des monuments l apprentissage de l autre et de sa culture et tout le reste..... Gros bizoo a ce qui sont restent a paris et qui luttent ,en bloquant et en manifestant, pour un monde meilleur !!
Ps: veuillez m excuser pour les fautes de ponctuation mais je n arrive decidement pas a me faire au clavier americain.
vendredi 11 avril 2008
washington est super
aujourd`hui nous avons ete a wilson hight school,nous avons ete acceuillis par la proviseure et son adjoint,ils ont ete tres adorable et nous ont offert un petit dejeuner.ensuite nous avons participe a un cours du 1h30,(c,est tres different de la france...).nous avons pris le lunch avec mrs Foxen et nous somme partis pour passer un apres midi a georgestown:c'est un quartier tres beau ou ils il a plusieurs maisons avec plusieurs styles,nous nous sommes balades sur leport de georgestown,nous avons beaucoup de chance car depuis le debut il fait tres beau (a peu pres 25 degres).et enfin pour finir la visite, nous avons vu un spectacle asiatique au centre de georges kennedy).cette journee etait tres bien d'autant plus que nos correspondants sont tres tres tres gentils.
tout le monde va tres bien,on pense a vous et on vous fait de gros bisous.
aujourd`hui nous avons ete a wilson hight school,nous avons ete acceuillis par la proviseure et son adjoint,ils ont ete tres adorable et nous ont offert un petit dejeuner.ensuite nous avons participe a un cours du 1h30,(c,est tres different de la france...).nous avons pris le lunch avec mrs Foxen et nous somme partis pour passer un apres midi a georgestown:c'est un quartier tres beau ou ils il a plusieurs maisons avec plusieurs styles,nous nous sommes balades sur leport de georgestown,nous avons beaucoup de chance car depuis le debut il fait tres beau (a peu pres 25 degres).et enfin pour finir la visite, nous avons vu un spectacle asiatique au centre de georges kennedy).cette journee etait tres bien d'autant plus que nos correspondants sont tres tres tres gentils.
tout le monde va tres bien,on pense a vous et on vous fait de gros bisous.
Arrivee a D.C
Nous sommes bien arrivee a Washington hier apres midi. Tout s'est extremement bien passee.
Nous avons ete accueilli par quelques parents et comme prevu, nous nous sommes rendus chez l'un d'entre eux.
L'accueil a ete extrememt chaleur, ainsi nous remercions les parents, professeurs, eleves de Woodrow.
Aujourd'hui, dans la matinee nous avons pris connaissance des lieux.
L'apres midi, nous avons ete a Georgestown. Nous avons egalement pu assister a des danses chinoises et de la musique africaine.
Bisous de D.C
ps: desole il n'y a pas d'accent...c'est un clavier americain ...
Nous avons ete accueilli par quelques parents et comme prevu, nous nous sommes rendus chez l'un d'entre eux.
L'accueil a ete extrememt chaleur, ainsi nous remercions les parents, professeurs, eleves de Woodrow.
Aujourd'hui, dans la matinee nous avons pris connaissance des lieux.
L'apres midi, nous avons ete a Georgestown. Nous avons egalement pu assister a des danses chinoises et de la musique africaine.
Bisous de D.C
ps: desole il n'y a pas d'accent...c'est un clavier americain ...
jeudi 28 février 2008
Je m'appelle John. J'ai quinze ans et je suis African-American. Je joue les sports football americaine, le basket, et la course. Cette année est ma premier année à l'ecole de Wilson et je l'aime. Mes cours favoris sont la math et la français. J'avais voyagé à France mais je voudrais aller un encore fois.
mercredi 20 février 2008
Nos Cantine
Nos cantine a Wilson n’est pas bon. Dans le cantine est les souris. A dernier an, j’ai vu une souris couri par le fond de catine avant l’ecole, et nos ecole a beacoupe des blattes. En general le catine n’est pas un bon place pour le dejeuner. Et, apres le pause pour le dejeuner, le catine est completement etoffe avec l’ordure. L’ordure est, litteral, partout. Et pour fait ca plus grave est le repas de cantine. Ce tout ‘fast-food’. Ce meilleur que on apporte, son repas de maison.
Nos cantine a Wilson n’est pas bon. Dans le cantine est les souris. A dernier an, j’ai vu une souris couri par le fond de catine avant l’ecole, et nos ecole a beacoupe des blattes. En general le catine n’est pas un bon place pour le dejeuner. Et, apres le pause pour le dejeuner, le catine est completement etoffe avec l’ordure. L’ordure est, litteral, partout. Et pour fait ca plus grave est le repas de cantine. Ce tout ‘fast-food’. Ce meilleur que on apporte, son repas de maison.
vendredi 15 février 2008

Hi!!!We (Katia,Fiza,Sumirtha,Chloé and Roxane) are going to talk about Notre Dame De Paris, one of the most famous monument in France.
Notre Dame De Paris was one of the first Gothic Cathedrals, and its construction spanned the Gothic period. Its sculptures and stained glass show the heavy influence of Naturalism, giving them a more secular look that was lacking from earlier Romanesque architecture.
The cathedral suffered desecration during the radical phase of the French Revolution in the 1790s, when much religious imagery was damaged or destroyed.
N-D de Paris was restored and saved from destruction by "Viollet-Le-Duc",one of the France's most famous architects.The name "Notre Dame De Paris" means "Our Lady" in French.
N-d de Paris measures 41 m in width,43 m in height from the base of the towers and 63 m at the top towers.
There are five bells at N-D de paris. The great bourdon bell, Emmaunel, is located in the South Tower, weights just over 13 tons, and is tolled to swing chimed. These bells are rung for various services and festivals. The bells were once rung manually
but are currently rung by electric motors. The bells also have external hammers for tune playing from a smaller clavier.
During its history, N-D de paris has been the site of numerous official and other ceremonial occasions, these include :
-1239: the crown of Thorns placed in the cathedral by St Louis during the construction of Sainte Chapelle.
-1430: Henri IV of England is crowned here.
-2/12/1804: Napoleon seizes the crown from the pontif and crowns first himself, then Josephine.
-31/05/1980: After the Magnificat of this day Pope John Paul II celebrates mass on the parvis in front of the cathedral.
Notre Dame De Paris was one of the first Gothic Cathedrals, and its construction spanned the Gothic period. Its sculptures and stained glass show the heavy influence of Naturalism, giving them a more secular look that was lacking from earlier Romanesque architecture.

The cathedral suffered desecration during the radical phase of the French Revolution in the 1790s, when much religious imagery was damaged or destroyed.
N-D de Paris was restored and saved from destruction by "Viollet-Le-Duc",one of the France's most famous architects.The name "Notre Dame De Paris" means "Our Lady" in French.
N-d de Paris measures 41 m in width,43 m in height from the base of the towers and 63 m at the top towers.
There are five bells at N-D de paris. The great bourdon bell, Emmaunel, is located in the South Tower, weights just over 13 tons, and is tolled to swing chimed. These bells are rung for various services and festivals. The bells were once rung manually
but are currently rung by electric motors. The bells also have external hammers for tune playing from a smaller clavier.
During its history, N-D de paris has been the site of numerous official and other ceremonial occasions, these include :
-1239: the crown of Thorns placed in the cathedral by St Louis during the construction of Sainte Chapelle.
-1430: Henri IV of England is crowned here.
-2/12/1804: Napoleon seizes the crown from the pontif and crowns first himself, then Josephine.
-31/05/1980: After the Magnificat of this day Pope John Paul II celebrates mass on the parvis in front of the cathedral.
a perfect view by night :

jeudi 14 février 2008
Om Shanti Om

Om Shanti Om is a 2007 Bollywood film directed and choreographed by Farah Khan. It stars Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone in the lead roles as the protagonists while Shreyas Talpade, Arjun Rampal, and Kirron Kher feature in supporting roles. Arjun Rampal is the antagonist in the movie. Nearly thirty stars from yesteryear and today are referred to or show up during the duration of the film, including twenty-eight of them (not including the stars of the film) in one song alone.
Saint Valentin

Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14. In North America and Europe, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. The holiday is named after two among the numerous Early Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.
Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham

"Sometimes Happiness, Sometimes Sadness") is a Bollywood film released in InIt features some of Bollywood's most popular actors: Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Kajol, Hrithik Roshan, Kareena Kapoor and Rani Mukerji in a guest appearance. It is director Karan Johar's second movie (after Kuch Kuch Hota Hai).
Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham was the highest grossing Indian film overseas till 2006, when its record was broken by Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. It climbed up to 3rd place in the British box office within two weeks of release, and maintained its place for over 3 weeks. The film was also thought to have broken the American Box Office Top 10, but this remains uncertain due to a lack of confirmed figures from the distributors. The film was the first Bollywood feature to see a theatrical release in Germany (with German subtitles, a dubbed version was produced, too). It was the highest grossing Indian film ever until Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Devdas (2002) released.dia and countries with large NRI populations on December 14, 2001.
Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham was the highest grossing Indian film overseas till 2006, when its record was broken by Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. It climbed up to 3rd place in the British box office within two weeks of release, and maintained its place for over 3 weeks. The film was also thought to have broken the American Box Office Top 10, but this remains uncertain due to a lack of confirmed figures from the distributors. The film was the first Bollywood feature to see a theatrical release in Germany (with German subtitles, a dubbed version was produced, too). It was the highest grossing Indian film ever until Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Devdas (2002) released.dia and countries with large NRI populations on December 14, 2001.
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